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Esposos Rodríguez Foundation (FER-UDEM Scholarship)

If you belong to the state of Sonora and have an outstanding profile in the academic, cultural, sports and civic participation fields, check the call for applications from the Esposos Rodríguez Foundation.

The FER-UDEM Scholarship is awarded to outstanding students in the academic, cultural, sports and social participation fields in the state of Sonora, who wish to pursue a professional degree at the University of Monterrey.

Three scholarships of up to 90% of the current enrollment and tuition fees will be awarded.

Who can apply for this scholarship?

You can apply if you meet the following requirements:

  • You are under the age of twenty and you have graduated or are about to graduate from high school at a legally established institution.
  • You are a Mexican citizen originally from Sonora or a resident of the state for at least the last three years.
  • You have a grade point average of 90% or higher in the entire high school course of study or in your studies up to the completed school term.
  • You are an outstanding student in extracurricular, sporting, cultural, and social participation activities.
  • You meet the corresponding admission requirements of the Universidad de Monterrey:
    • Take the Academic Aptitude Test (PAA). Due to the COVID-19 contingency, you are required to submit the PAA online. Based on your score, the Selection Committee will use the result obtained as a criteria for scholarship assignment.
      To take the PPA online, book it with your degree advisor here.
  • Prove need for financial aid to pursue university education at UDEM. A socioeconomic study will be carried out.
  • You do not have another educational scholarship.
  • You are an admitted student or you submitted the complete documentation for the admission process, no later than April 29, 2022 for admission in August 2022.
  • Pursue an entire undergraduate degree program at the Universidad de Monterrey.
  • Take the psycho pedagogical profile, psychometric, and vocational guidance tests, and other specific tests required.

Check the admission process

What are the benefits?

A scholarship of up to 90% the cost of current tuition (45% scholarship from the Esposos Rodríguez Foundation and 45% scholarship from UDEM).

If you are a suitable candidate, how can you apply?

You must submit the following documents at the offices of the Esposos Rodríguez Foundation:

1. Applicant’s documents

  • Official proof of grades or transcripts indicating accumulated grade point average to date.

  • Official score certificate of Universidad de Monterrey’s entrance examination.

  • A copy of admission letter granted by the Universidad de Monterrey. If you do not have this admission letter, submit a letter from the University reporting that the documents were submitted and that you were admitted.

  • Academic and extracurricular curriculum of all studies pursued.

  • Attach a copy of extracurricular activities.

    *Extracurricular refers to all those activities that round off academic education, in the cultural, social, and/or sports area. Documents accepted are diplomas, certificates, awards, or official letters giving proof of the activities in which you stood out. Photocopies of documents are submitted.

  • Additional evidence such as photos, videos, newspaper articles, press releases, or reports will be accepted.

  • A copy of recent proof of address.

  • Complete online application.

2. Documents on family’s financial situation

Documents to be submitted as proof of family income should include the following points, according to the type of activity:

a) Salaried employees

  • Letter of employment specifying position, seniority, gross monthly income, and net monthly income.

  • Proof of annual income from savings fund, savings and loans association, Christmas bonus, and vacation premiums, along with photocopies of payroll receipt for the last six months.

b) Non-salaried employees

  • A letter issued by a certified public accountant, itemizing the following information:

    1. Line of business or economic activity.

    2. Annual income earned in the year immediately presiding this call for applications.

    3. Total annual expenses declared.

    4. Total annual profit.

  • Attach a copy of accountant’s professional license and a copy of latest enhanced annual tax return.

c) Up-to-date credit bureau report of both tutors or parents.

If for any reason you cannot include any of the above-requested documents, you will need to attach a letter justifying the omission of that document.

Submitting documents

  • If you do not live in the city of Hermosillo, the documents can be sent by courier service.
  • The address where applications are received is: Insurgente Pedro Moreno No. 24, local 2 PB, Edificio Sonora, colonia Centro en Hermosillo, Sonora. C. P. 83000.

*Applications that fail to meet all the requirements, incomplete documents, or documents that arrive after the deadline will not be received nor processed.