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Awards Criteria UDEMUN 2022

The evaluation is based on the integral formation that UDEMUN seeks to foment and develop during the two days of the event. Hence, the mission and vision are the components that conform the evaluation criteria:

1. Knowledge

The student achieves an accurate presentation of the country’s diplomatic style; delegates should not model inappropriate stereotypes. The delegate shows perfect understanding of his/her country and of the two topics.

2. Participation

The Outstanding Student is the one that has the most points in the Evaluation Rubrics in both formal and informal debate (Moderated and Unmoderated debate). It is important to consider the quality and relevance of the arguments.

3. Parliamentary Procedure

The Outstanding Student uses in an excellent way the rules and procedures established by the model.

4. Role on the Resolution

The Outstanding Student should have an active and positive attitude towards the committee’s resolution. He or she encourages others to participate.

5. Debate is always positive

The Outstanding Student works to achieve international cooperation and seeks for peaceful solutions, besides showing diplomacy throughout the debate.

6. Leadership

The Outstanding Student is always promoting nations to work together. He or she proposes excellent solutions and promotes teamwork.

7. Position Paper

The Outstanding Student should have an outstanding position paper that has been read during any of the sessions.

8. Candidate Requirements

Two 70% scholarships will be awarded for their studies in Prepa UDEM, the assignment criteria are as follows:

  • Have a minimum average of 90 (the most recent report card must be sent to the committee, through the following email address: [email protected]).
  • Attend ninth grade or third year of middle school.
  • Obtain a score of 1,100 or more in PAA (in case UDEM is already requesting it).
  • Exercise an outstanding participation during UDEMUN.
  • Having been present at each session during the UDEMUN event.
  • Not having written warnings for misconduct or non-compliance with the rules established by UDEMUN.
  • Once the scholarship is awarded, the student must continue supporting UDEMUN at Prepa UDEM.