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International Congress on Communication Research

Department of Film and Communication
Faculty of Education and Humanities
University of Monterrey (UDEM)


International Congress on Communication Research

The International Congress on Communication Research is a diverse, open, and dynamic platform for academic and professional dialogue on scientific research in various areas of communication. It fosters the exchange of ideas and collaboration among experts in the field.


The membrane symbolizes the space between the present and the future—permeable, tangible, explicit, and selective, yet not always consciously perceived. It is crucial to reflect on the skills needed to recognize that we are crossing membranes into a new scenario shaped by significant technological changes and developments.

What sensitivity, what intelligence, and what resources do we need to develop to cross these membranes and face the challenges of self-awareness? Who are we as human beings, and what remains inalienable and unique to us in the face of technologies capable of performing previously unimaginable tasks, such as creating, making decisions, or accumulating knowledge and power?

This need for reflection, explored from interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspectives, shapes the central theme of the 8th International Congress on Communication Research. The event will not only share knowledge but also foster critical discussions on vital issues to confront the complexities of our time.



Thematic Areas

Epistemological, historical, social, and humanistic studies

The research focuses on the manifestations of communication in relation to social, historical, and epistemological aspects to explain phenomena. Humanistic studies, including their artistic, philosophical, cultural, linguistic, and educational forms, are deeply connected to communication processes as they reflect human production and complexity.

Mass media

Communication technologies, along with major advancements in digital communication, are part of this area of study. Social interactions mediated by technology, media and digital content production, as well as audience studies, are some of the aspects that deserve constant investigation.

Socio-digital networks, digital platforms, and artificial intelligences

The processes and communication flows within institutions, companies, and organizations of any kind are an inexhaustible source of scientific research. Public relations, advertising, marketing, social responsibility, workplace interpersonal relationships, as well as communication technologies applied to organizations, are part of this area of study.

Scientific research methodologies

Rigorous journalistic research and the application of scientific research processes to journalism are part of this area of study. It combines perspectives on the journalist as a professional, the organization or media company, and the audience that receives and interprets the research in question.

Communication in organizations

In this area of study, audiovisual works that have undergone a rigorous research process are highlighted, with the results evident in the final product. It also includes those works that, through the format of the cinematic essay, analyze or present the findings of film and audiovisual studies.

Journalistic research

Communication students are an essential and influential part of the teaching-learning process fostered by teachers and the university, both inside and outside the classroom. This thematic area serves as a platform for presenting high-quality research projects, which must be recommended by a faculty member from the students' home university.

Audiovisual communication

Final advanced research projects completed at the end of a degree program or for obtaining a degree hold a special place in the Colloquium. High-quality research projects, recommended by a faculty member, and containing scientific research in communication are welcome.

Undergraduate student work

Graduate studies, where students specialize in certain subdisciplines, are considered one of the most valuable phases of scientific learning for professionals. This thematic area allows for the presentation and dissemination of high-quality master's and/or doctoral research in the field of communication, endorsed by a faculty member from the student's home university.

Undergraduate theses and dissertations

Graduate theses represent years of deep research on a specific topic, making it crucial to highlight completed or ongoing projects that demonstrate appropriate scientific quality and are endorsed by a faculty member from the student's home university.

Graduate student work

Graduate studies, where students specialize in specific subdisciplines, are considered one of the richest phases of scientific learning for professionals. In this Thematic Table, high-quality master's and/or doctoral research in the field of communication, endorsed by a faculty member from the student's home university, can be presented and disseminated.

Graduate theses

Graduate theses (master's or doctoral) represent years of deep research on a specific topic, making it essential to review both completed and ongoing projects. These works must demonstrate appropriate scientific quality and be endorsed by a faculty member from the student's home university.

General registrations for all audiences

Speakers and lecturers do not need to register.


Registrations for Dialogue Tables

(limited availability)


We look forward to seeing you at the University of Monterrey.

March 13 and 14, 2025

Format: Hybrid

Guest of Honor

The 8th International Congress on Communication Research is amplified and enriched by the participation of the National Autonomous University of Mexico as the guest of honor.

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

VI Coloquio de Investigación en Comunicación 20 y 21 de abril de 2023

Convocatoria para presentar trabajos de investigación

¡Convocatoria abierta!

Invitada especial:
Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
Facultad de Comunicación

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