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Personal Education Plan

Acompañamiento Estudiantil

La Universidad de Monterrey cuenta con un programa de Acompañamiento estudiantil integral que busca que el estudiante reciba atención oportuna para asegurar su crecimiento académico, personal y profesional durante su paso por la UDEM. Este programa de acompañamiento se compone de 6 diferentes servicios a disposición del estudiante:


  1. Orientación vocacional
  2. Plan personal de formación
  3. Tutoría educativa
  4. Asesoría académica
  5. Orientación profesional
  6. Programa de aprendizaje

Vocational Orientation

At UDEM, Vocational Orientation support centers on helping students who are interested in entering the Universidad de Monterrey but do not yet know what degree program to choose and students who are already studying at UDEM but do not feel at ease with their choice of major and want to switch. 

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Personal Education Plan

The Universidad de Monterrey has in place the Personal Education Plan, a program of synchronous individual mentoring sessions addressed to undergraduate students with the aim of seeking their comprehensive well-being and guiding them to make the most convenient decisions regarding their academic and formative progress, thus making the difference that has set UDEM apart from its inception: excellent professionals and excellent people. 

Benefits for the students

  • They have an advisor from their professional area throughout their degree program. 
  • The advisor gives the students support to understand their curriculum and make informed decisions. 
  • The students receive orientation on their professional area from someone experienced.
  • It helps students make the most of the options offered by UDEM. 
  • For students who are uncertain about what degree program to choose, vocational orientation is offered if requested. Likewise, professional orientation is offered in which students are provided with the tools necessary to enter the labor market. 

Advisors and their function

  • An advisor is a professional who shares with the students his/her experience in their academic program or a related degree program.
  • The director of the student’s academic program, a professor, a member of the administrative staff, or an alumnus can all be advisors. 
  • An advisor’s function is to provide orientation in decision-making for the development of the student’s academic and formative program regarding course selection, opportunities to go on exchange programs, social service internships, internships, etc. 
  • An advisor also collaborates by timely detecting other types of support for the students. 
  • The advisor attends to the student throughout the semester, holding at least one in-person individual mentoring session within that period.

Programa de Aprendizaje

El apoyo del Programa de aprendizaje de la UDEM tiene por objeto ayudar a los estudiantes a comprender y sobrellevar diagnósticos como el TDAH, la dislexia, la discalculia, y el trastorno del espectro autista, entre otras condiciones neurológicas, mediante entrevistas, y espacios personalizados para su debida atención.


  • Entrevista para detección de dificultades de aprendizaje.
  • Grupo de convivencia para estudiantes neurodivergentes.
  • Entrenamiento en comprensión lectora.
  • Impresión diagnóstica y orientación con estrategias y acompañamiento para estudiantes con condiciones como:

·  Dislexia y dificultades de comprensión lectora
·  Discalculia (dificultades extremas para las matemáticas)
·  TDAH (trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad)
·  Trastorno del espectro autista TEA1 (antes síndrome de Asperger)
·  Otras condiciones neurológicas que afecten el rendimiento académico


Professional Orientation

Professional orientation services focus on topics related to the entry of students into the job market. They enable the students to develop their work competencies and skills through self-management. 

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