Balbina Leal García

UDEM allowed me to specialize in the subjects I most enjoyed working and studying, so that now I can dedicate myself to them professionally”.
Bachelor's Degree in Clinical Psychology, Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, Specialization in Systemic Family Clinic. Certification (in progress) in Response Based Practice by the Centre for Response Based Practice.
Prevention Coordinator and psychotherapist at Fundación El Roble. Co-Founder of Mujer 21- Civil Society dedicated to the prevention, detection and eradication of gender violence. Professor at the University of Monterrey.
Excellence Award for the Thesis: Crisis care for women in situations of gender violence. Cum Laude Award in the Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology.
Synodal of final evaluation projects of undergraduate and specialty. Counselor of the Department of Welfare of the Municipal Government.