Diploma courses
1. Diploma in Education for Peace
Did you know that all of us are a fundamental part in the construction of a culture of peace?
We invite you to participate in the Diploma in Education for Peace that the Universidad de Monterrey and CreeSer perform in partnership.
This diploma has the objective of presenting the theoretical foundation in culture of peace, but its main focus is practical so that you can apply the knowledge acquired in real situations.
You will create a project to implement in your context, with the accompaniment and advice of the facilitators and advisors of the diploma course!
The diploma is aimed at professionals in the field of education and social sciences: psychologists, pedagogues, teachers, sociologists, social workers, among others, as well as people with work groups under their charge in the social and / or private sector; people who participate in social groups such as collectives, civil society organizations, missionary groups, parish groups and community promoters.
- Violence, conflict and peace
- Human rights and universal declarations
- Gender perspective and power balance
- Emotional intelligence and conflict resolution
- Non-violence and citizenship
- Sustainability and peace with the community of life
- Discernment
- Peace education methodologies
- Reality analysis
Norma Velázquez
Jorge Martínez
2. Diploma in University Pastoral

The Universidad de Monterrey and the Archdiocese of Monterrey, in association with the Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (CELAM), invite you to participate in the Diploma in Campus Ministry, offered annually.
The purpose of this diploma is to train university pastoral agents in the development of creative proposals so that, from the dialogue with the world of culture, they promote a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and collaborate in the humanization of the university environment and society.
It is addressed to lay people, seminarians, permanent deacons, religious men and women, and priests who already work in the University Pastoral or prepare to work in it.
The course is designed to cover 144 hours of work. A tutor will accompany you in your learning process through e-mail and scheduled videoconferences.
- Higher education in the 21st century
- Education and development
- The University
- The Catholic University
- Challenges for the University today
- Campus Ministry
- Evangelization and pastoral
- University Pastoral Care
- Campus Ministry Agents and Recipients
- Strategic Pastoral Project
- Administration and Pastoral Planning
- Strategic Pastoral Planning
- The Strategic Pastoral Project
- Monitoring and evaluation of the Strategic Pastoral Project.
Norma Velázquez
3. Course on the Guadalupan Happening
The Guadalupan Happening course is carried out in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Monterrey through the Apostolate of Guadalupan Evangelization (APEG) and the Department of University Spirituality for Service (DEUS).
Objective: That the faithful know and deepen in the Guadalupan Event, to lead them to experience a personal encounter with Jesus Christ through Our Lady of Guadalupe.
- Introduction to the Guadalupan Happening
- Pre-Hispanic Religious Philosophy
- Indigenous Customs and Human Sacrifices
- The conquest of Mexico Tenochtitlán
- Overview of Nican Mopohua
- Analysis and Reflection of Nican Mopohua Part 1 Vers 1-39
- Part 2 vers 40-105
- Part 3 vers 106-218
- The image in the Tilma as a codex
- What does science say about the Guadalupana image?
- Life and Holiness of St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
- Guadalupan Fundamentals
- Marian Dogmas in the Light of the Guadalupan Happening.