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Online Collaboration Projects (COIL)

Learn about UDEM's COIL methodology from the teacher's perspective

Learn about UDEM's COIL methodology from the student's perspective

What is COIL?

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) projects will enable you to collaborate virtually with students from different countries, through activities guided by a facilitator.

Imagine taking a course on Business, Engineering, or the Humanities, but sharing contents and collaborative activities with students from countries such as Lebanon, Japan, or Russia!

Get more insight about COIL

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  • The teachers involved in the program (local and foreign) are the ones who create the content of the course and put it into practice for at least 4 weeks.
  • Projects are developed among UDEM students and multicultural groups.
  • An agreement is established, by the parties involved, on the technological platform to be used during the virtual collaboration process.
  • Students remain physically in the institution where they are enrolled and are evaluated by the course's teacher.


  • Internationalization of the curriculum.
  • International networking training.
  • Development of intercultural dialogue.
  • Teacher internationalization (publications and presentations).
  • Academic training within a global context.
  • Development of intercultural competences.
  • Value in SICA.
  • Application for the Internationalization at Home Award.



The class connects in real time through different platforms.


The activities are online. Students must connect outside of class to work together.