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Call for papers

The organizing committee of the 11th. Congress of Academic Integrity of the Universidad de Monterrey, in collaboration with the Universidad Panamericana, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, the Tecnológico de Monterrey, the Universidad Tecmilenio, the Universidad del Istmo in Guatemala, CETYS Universidad and the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León; with the endorsement of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI), the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) and the Federación de Instituciones Mexicanas Particulares de Educación Superior (FIMPES) invite faculty and researchers to submit proposals for papers, in Spanish or English, that report original, completed or in-progress results, on any of the following academic integrity topics:

  • Educational innovation: experiences and good practices in favor of Academic Integrity.
  • Regulations to strengthen Academic Integrity (rules and management)
  • Culture of Academic Integrity.
  • Integrity and the digital universe.
  • Artificial intelligence and its implications in Academic Integrity.
  • From Academic Integrity to professional ethics.

Presentation: duration of 25 minutes.
Poster: duration of 5 minutes.
Workshop: duration 25 minutes.

Deadline to receive proposals: July 31, 2023
Confirmation response date: August 15, 2023

The congress will be held on September 28 and 29, 2023 in person and online, with the objective of sharing resources, tools, and best practices to strengthen the culture of academic integrity among students, professors, and directors of educational institutions.

Participants will have the opportunity to watch and listen to presentations in real time as well as interact with colleagues working on the topic of academic integrity. 

The evaluation committee will be composed of representatives of the collaborating universities.

The accuracy, relevance of the reported results, clarity, originality and the quality of the presentation, among others, will be evaluated. You are invited to consider in detail the attached document "Rules for authors."

For more information and submission of proposals, contact:
Liliana del C. Almaguer A. Coordinator of Integrity Projects of the University of Monterrey to the email [email protected] / [email protected]


Rules for the authors

For the presentation of any of the formats of presentations, workshops or posters, they must do so in Spanish or English and must include the following information:

Author's full name

Name(s), paternal last name and maternal last name

Institution to which it belongs



Email to receive reports or notifications





Presention type:

Presentation, workshop or poster


Between 50 and 300 words

Paper topic:



Add full name(s) and email


High resolution photo







  1. Summary of no more than 300 words, in Spanish or English
  2. Presentation (slides) to present (.ppt, .pdf) with the following elements:
  • Introduction
  • Theme development
  • Challenges
  • Conclusions
  • References 5 min.
  1.  Resumen de no más de 150 palabras, en idioma español ó inglés.
  2. Descripción de la actividad a desarrollar.
  3. Presentación (diapositivas) para proyectar (.ppt, .pdf).
  1. Poster image (low resolution .jpg format).
  2. Abstract with a maximum of 150 words, in Spanish or English.
  3. Develop a 5 minute presentation.



  • Typography: Times New Roman or Verdana.
  • Font size: 12 pts.
  • Spacing: Simple.


Papers are registered in electronic format (.docx, .pdf or .pptx). Registration deadline: July 31, 2023.
Send to: [email protected] / [email protected] 

If the job is received in the correct format, an acknowledgment of receipt will be sent. The confirmation response will be sent on August 15, 2023.

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