Doctorate in Sciences with a specialty in Optics
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Óptica y Electrónica (National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics)
Applied Physics Professor
Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Bachelor of Physical Engineering
Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez
Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM)
Adjunct professor
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
Associate professor
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Óptica y Electrónica
Level "C" T. C. Associate Technologist
Polo Universitario de Tecnología Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Guest researcher
Editors´ Pick
Optical Society of America (OSA) – Applied Optics
Villalobos, B. Zazaga,R. Aguirre, D. (2019). Off-axis conic surfaces: Interferogram simulation algorithm and its use in stressed mirror polishing, Optics & Laser Technology 112, pp. 284-291.
Villalobos, B. Aguirre, D. Granados, F. (2018). Study of the factors that affect the correlation behavior during the evaluation of interferograms, Opt. Eng. 57(10) 104111.
Villalobos, B. Aguirre, D. Campos, M. Díaz, R. (2018). General equations for the null-screen test for aspherical surfaces with deformation coefficients, Appl. Opt. 57(35) 10230-10238.
Villalobos, B. Aguirre, D. Carrazco, E. Izazaga, R, Páez, G. Granados, F. Percino, E. Gil, A. Gallego J. Iglesias, J. (2018). MEGARA Optics: Sub-aperture Stitching Interferometry for Large Surfaces, PASP, Vol. 130, No. 986.
Villalobos, B. Aguirre, D. Diaz, R. Campos, M. Izazaga, R. Huerta, O. (2017). Fast conical surfaces evaluation with null-screens and randomized algorithms, Appl. Opt. 56, 1370-1382.
Villalobos, B. Granados, F. Aguirre, D. Cornejo, A. (2015). Phase shifting interferometry using a spatial light modulator to measure optical thin films. App. Opt. Vol. 54, Issue 26, pp. 7997-8003.
Villalobos, B. Granados, F. Aguirre, D. Izazaga, R. Cornejo, A. (2015). Measuring the phase shifts produced by transmissive spatial light modulators. SPIE Newsroom.
Villalobos, B. Aguirre, D. Granados, F. Izazaga, R. Campos, M. Percino, M. Cornejo, A. (2014). Substructured Ronchi gratings from the linear combination of classical gratings. Opt. Eng. 53(11), 114111.
Villalobos, B. Aguirre, D. Izazaga, R. Granados, F. Percino, M. Cornejo, A. (2013). Algorithm for Ronchigrams Recovery with Random Aberrations Coefficients. Opt. Eng. 52(5),053606.
Villalobos, B. (2019) Nullscreen design for freeform surface testing. Optical Design and Fabrication. Washington D. C, US.
Villalobos, B. (2018). Precision Glass Molded Lenses Analysis via Null-Screen Test. IX International Congress of Physics Engineering. México D. F.
Villalobos, B. (2017). Condenser Lens Evaluation Using the Null-Screens Test. Optical Design and Fabrication. Denver, Colorado, US.
Villalobos, B. (2016). Fast conical surface evaluation via randomized algorithm in the null-screen test. VIII International Congress of Physics Engineering. Mérida, Yucatán.
Villalobos, B. (2015). Cementing techniques for MEGARA doublets. Vth Science with GTC. Puebla, Puebla.
Villalobos, B. (2015). A simple device for sub-aperture stitching of fast convex surfaces. Optical Fabrication OPTIFAB. Rochester, New York.
Villalobos, B. (2015). Finite element analysis to evaluate optical mirror deformations. Optical Fabrication OPTIFAB. Rochester, New York.
Villalobos, B. (2014). Obtaining the curve: Phase shift vs gray level of a spatial light modulator Holoeye LC2012. 23 International Commission for Optics (ICO). Santiago de Compostela, España.
Villalobos, B. (2014). Obtaining the wavefront phase maps of free form surfaces: using the least squares algorithm. VII International Congress of Physics Engineering. México D. F.
Villalobos, B. (2011). Obtaining the wavefront in the Ronchi test without polinomial fit or trapezoidal integration. 22nd General Congress of the International Comission for Optics. Puebla, México.
Villalobos, B. (2010). Techniques for the construction of an elliptical-cylindrical model using circular rotating tools in non CNC machines. VII Reunión Iberoamericana de Óptica. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú, Lima, Perú.
Level l National Researcher
National Researcher's System
2019 to date
Level C National Researcher
National Researcher's System