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Bachelor's Degree in Business Engineering Management

Become a Business Engineering Manager, by developing entrepreneurship and competitive businesses in a globalized environment, using data analytics for decision making in Engineering Management.


The Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Management (IGE) has a specialized curriculum through which you will not only acquire knowledge, but you will also be able to participate in exchange programs at prestigious universities that offer courses in the field of Engineering Management.


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Quick Facts
Data Analytics

Unique engineering with concentration in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence

Experiencia Internacional

Múltiples oportunidades de vivir una experiencia global en la carrera por medio de concursos, programas, intercambios y eventos.


Oportunidad de participar en el Summer Undergraduate Research in Engineering – SURE de la Universidad de Michigan

Only one of its kind

in Nuevo León, México.

Engineering Management

Educational offering with an international perspective

Engineering major 

with the largest student body at UDEM.


Accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, under the commission’s General Criteria with no applicable program criteria.


Nationally accredited by Comités Interinstitucionales para la Evaluación de la Educación Superior


  • Manage and innovate companies and organizations, by designing and implementing administrative and productive processes for Engineering Management.
  • Develop and execute business strategies to achieve goals, using resources in an optimal way in order to create competitive enterprises.
  • Develop professionals capable of solving problems and communicating solutions, considering ethical responsibility and global, social, and environmental impact; through Engineering Management and science.
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Admission profile

As an applicant to study Engineering Management, you must have:

  • Critical and mathematical thinking.
  • An analytical, precise, well-structured, and organized personality.
  • A capacity for problem solving.
  • An interest in entrepreneurship.

Additionally, you must demonstrate an interest in any of the following professional fields:

  • Finance and administration.
  • The improvement of the administrative and productive processes of a company in any sector/ industry (manufacturing, government, service, health, and education).
  • The creation and management of companies in the industrial or service sectors.
  • The management of productive and administrative processes in a family business.

Graduate profile

As a graduate of the degree in Engineering Management, you will have developed the following knowledge:

About administrative topics:

  • General administration and business management, project management, company management and supply chain logistics, considering its structure, inventories, and transport.
  • Accounting and finance.
  • Economics and forecasting models for business decision making.
  • Entrepreneurship and business development.
  • Economic assessment of investment projects.
  • Technology innovation and management.
  • Marketing.
  • Strategic planning and operations strategy.

About quality, productivity, and competitiveness:

  • Use of statistical and administrative tools to solve problems, as well as use of methodologies that help companies to improve their quality, productivity, and competitiveness.
  • Management of quality systems, total quality systems, and Six Sigma systems.

About organizational design, management of the human resource, and organizational behavior:

  • Systemic vision of the organization, analysis and design of work positions.
  • Human resources planning.

About operations management and research:

  • Design, optimization, and implementation of administrative and productive processes, through work design.
  • Supply chain management.
  • Production planning and control.
  • Use of tools for inventory control and materials storage.
  • Operational efficiency, work cells, and cellular manufacturing.
  • Layout design.

Upon completion of the program, you will have developed the following skills:

  • You will design business plans, and you will arrange the productive processes, marketing, and financing, in order to create the business.
  • You will develop and evaluate investment projects.
  • You will analyze problems from a strategic and multidisciplinary perspective in order to solve conflicts concerning the management of operations and organizations.
  • You will manage and lead projects for the continuous improvement of a company’s productive operations, as well as financial and administrative projects.
  • You will design, implement, and manage the supply chain, taking into consideration its structure, inventories, and transport.
  • You will develop strategies to process capital resources for decision making in businesses.
  • You will prepare forecasts to define a company’s operation strategies.
  • You will manage manufacturing operations, ranging from the physical location and layout of the facilities to the determination of the economic and strategic feasibility of the business.
  • You will develop a systemic vision in the organization in order to identify problems, carry out diagnostics, and design and implement solutions.
  • You will design, implement, and manage methodologies and tools that improve quality, competitiveness, and productivity in organizations.
  • You will improve your oral and written communication skills.
  • You will communicate in a second language.
  • You will use specialized operations-management software applied to business.
  • You will improve your decision-making and interdisciplinary work skills.

Upon completion of your Engineering Management, you will have developed the following attitudes:

  • Results-oriented: you will always tackle problems and/or projects with the purpose of reaching favorable results.
  • Leadership: you will master the process of influencing people so that they direct their efforts to the achievement of business goals.
  • Critical thinking: you will analyze and assess opinions, statements, outcomes, and changes, both in your professional performance and in your daily life.
  • Adaptation to change: you will develop a flexible character to achieve goals in face of the continuous change of competitors technologies, in processes, new processes and/or services.
  • Community service: through a spirit of service, you will help both the company’s internal community (the workers) as well as the community surrounding the company.
  • Social responsibility: you will actively and voluntarily contribute to the social, economic, and environmental improvement of your milieu effected by the company where you work.
  • Ethics in your professional performance: you will have moral values whose fundamental purpose will be to seek and try to guarantee the common good.

Furthermore, you will develop an enterprising, analytical, and strategic spirit.

Field of work

As a future Business Engineering Manager, you will be able to set up your own business or work in various labor sectors -industrial, entrepreneurial, or governmental, as well as in civil organizations and service companies.

  • Design of business plans.
  • Strategic company planning.
  • Business reengineering and management for the continuous improvement of productive processes and services.
  • Financial engineering for the management, assessment, and coordination of business and expansion projects.
  • Development of efficiency projects for the company’s production activities and supply chain.
  • Business creation.
  • Development of new expansion projects – project engineering.
  • Project management.
  • Consultancy on manufacturing, quality, and productivity management.

Through UDEM’s Entrepreneurship and Innovation Hub, we seek to promote an enterprising culture, so that as an IGE graduate, you will receive support from UDEM to create, strengthen, and internationalize small and mid-size companies based on innovation. Additionally, you will hold at least one professional certification, such as the...

  • Certification in operations management.
  • Certification in project management.
  • Certification in logistics and chain supply, in Melbourne, Australia.
  • Quality Certifications from the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and ISO 9000.

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¿Tienes dudas sobre la carrera en Gestión Empresarial?

Te resolvemos todas tus preguntas.

1. ¿Qué puesto puede ocupar un Ingeniero en Gestión Empresarial?

El campo laboral de la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial o Engineering Management es amplia, por lo que como egresado podrás desarrollarte en todas las ramas industriales de bienes y servicios. También en proyectos, producción, procesos, control y aseguramiento de la calidad, tomando puestos como:

  • Director General

  • Gerente de áreas administrativas

  • Jefe de proyectos

  • Consultor

  • Gestor de recursos

  • Asesor técnico

  • Emprendedor

  • Capacitador

  • Evaluador de proyectos

  • Servidor público

2. ¿Cuál es el perfil de un Gestor Empresarial?

Al estudiar Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial, también conocida como Engineering Management, te formarás como un profesional que contribuye a la gestión de empresas e innovación en los procesos; así como también, colabora con otras áreas como en el diseño, implementación y desarrollo de sistemas estratégicos de negocios. Por otro lado, también serás capaz de optimizar recursos en un entorno global, con ética y responsabilidad social.

3. ¿Por qué estudiar Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial?

Cuando una persona decide estudiar Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial (Engineering Management) generalmente siente pasión por el tema de los negocios, así como el desarrollo de las compañía y su historia de éxito o fracaso.

4. ¿Qué se necesita saber para estudiar Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial?

Para iniciar la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial debes estar interesado en conocer las diferentes áreas de una organización y así mimo disfrutar de crear estrategias competitivas para cada una de ellas. Otros aspectos a tomar en cuenta antes de ingresar a la carrera son:

  • Estar interesado en finanzas, engineering management y administración

  • Curiosidad por los procesos administrativos y productivos

  • Tener habilidad para dar seguimiento

¿Qué se hace en la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial?

La integración de la administración de empresas tomando como base la ingeniería industrial es el principal objetivo de la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial o Engineering Management pues durante esta carrera se educan como profesionales con competencias del ámbito comercial y de ingeniería, para que sean capaces de comprender, proponer soluciones y resolver problemas en diversas organizaciones. También, la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial o Ingeniería en Negocios los prepara para impulsar y fomentar transformaciones en las organizaciones mediante la aplicación de las herramientas y habilidades del área.

¿Qué hace un Ingeniero en Gestión Empresarial?

Un Ingeniero en Gestión Empresarial es un profesional que contribuye a la gestión de empresas e innovación en los procesos; así como también, colabora con otras áreas diseñando, implementando y desarrollando sistemas estratégicos de negocios.

Otra parte importante del Ingeniero en Gestión Empresarial, es que se dedica a incrementar la productividad y maximizar los beneficios de las organizaciones mediante habilidades directivas sólidas de Engineering Management. Su principal tarea es gestionar los recursos disponibles y así lograr un crecimiento sostenible y rentable para las empresas.

¿Dónde puede trabajar un Ingeniero en Gestión Empresarial?

El campo laboral de la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial o Engineering Management es amplio, pues un egresado puede desarrollarse en todas las ramas industriales de bienes y servicios, involucrándose en proyectos, producción, procesos, control y aseguramiento de la calidad.

El Ingeniero en Gestión Empresarial puede tomar puestos como:

  • Director general
  • Gerente de áreas administrativas
  • Jefe de proyectos
  • Consultor
  • Gestor de recursos
  • Asesor técnico
  • Emprendedor
  • Capacitador
  • Evaluador de proyectos
  • Servidor público

Incluso, el profesional de la Ingeniería en Negocios puede brindar asesoramiento de forma independiente.

¿Cómo saber si debo estudiar la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial?

Para iniciar los estudios de la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial, es importante que el aspirante muestre interés por conocer sobre Engineering Management, la distribución de las áreas de una empresa y cómo se organizan para crear estrategias competitivas. Otros aspectos afines a la Ingeniería en Gestión Empresarial o Ingeniería en Negocios es que sus aspirantes tienen características como:

  • Gusto por las finanzas y la administración
  • Curiosidad por los procesos administrativos y productivos
  • Habilidad para el seguimiento de tareas y actividades

Professors of the School of Engineering and Technologies

Computer Science
Administration, Engineering
Computer Science


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