Doctorate in Supply Chain Management
Universidad de Monterrey
Master’s Degree in International Trade
Universidad de Monterrey
Master’s Degree in Administration
Universidad de Monterrey
Bachelor of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Universidad de Monterrey
Farmacias grupo SABA Benavides
Domestic Expansion
Banregio Grupo Financiero
Corporate Strategic Planning Manager
Industrias John Deere
Forestry Account project manager
Akra Nylon México
Strategic Planning Analyst
Gamesa – Pepsico
Investment Projects Engineer
General Electric
OMLP high-performance operations management leadership program
IEOM Graduated paper Competition Award
2015 Outstanding Award
Universidad de Monterrey
Research-Related-to-Teaching Award
Universidad de Monterrey
Verduzco, M. (2017). Increasing competitiveness through a logistics and transportation cluster: A literature review. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Bogotá, Colombia.
Rendón, R. & Verduzco, M. (2017). Success factors comparison in the logistics clusters located in East Asia-Pacific, North America, and Western Europe. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bogotá, Colombia.
González, F., Rodríguez, R., Valdéz, M., & Verduzco, M. (2017). The effects of innovation on manufacturing competitiveness of the leading countries in the automotive industry. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Bogotá, Colombia.
Verduzco, M. (2017). Importancia de la localización geográfica de la aglomeración para la competitividad de un clúster logístico. (Importance of geographic location for the competitiveness of a logistic cluster) 3rd International Congress on Research and business schools. Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
Verduzco, M. (2017). A continuous improvement project to increase the fulfillment level in a wire and cable company.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. Rabat, Morocco.
Verduzco, M. (2016). Important factors related to increase transportation competitiveness through a logistic cluster. [Talk]. TCI.
Verduzco, M. (2015). Annual Conference. [Talk]. IIE.
Verduzco, M. (2015). A logistics and transportation cluster initiative: a theoretical framework. [Talk]. TCI.
Verduzco, M. (2014). Annual Conference. [Talk]. IIE.
Verduzco, M. (2014). Clusters. [Talk]. TCI.
Verduzco, M. (2013). Annual Conference. [Talk]. IIE.
Verduzco, M. (2013). World conference. [Talk]. SISE.
Verduzco, M. (2012). World conference. [Talk]. SISE.