Doctorate in Administrative Education
University of Texas at Austin
Master’s degree in Quality Engineering
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Undergraduate degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering
Universidad de Monterrey
Universidad de Monterrey
Dean of the School of Engineering and Technologies
2010 to date
Universidad de Monterrey
Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
Universidad de Monterrey
Universidad de Monterrey
Director of Human Resources and Quality
Philips Lighting Monterrey Plant
Quality Manager
Roberto Garza Sada Pro Magistro Award
Universidad de Monterrey
FIMPES 2005 National Award to Excellence in the Practice of Education, essay modality
Federación de Instituciones Mexicanas Particulares de Educación Superior
Quality Teaching Award
Universidad de Monterrey
20th Award for Teaching-linked Research
Universidad de Monterrey
Best Paper in ASEE-GSW Annual Conference
American Society for Engineering Education-GSW
FIMPES 2005 National Award to Excellence in the Practice of Education, research modality
Federación de Instituciones Mexicanas Particulares de Educación Superior
Flores, J. (2008). El modelo educativo UDEM y el éxito estudiantil. El arte personal de educar. (The UDEM educational model and student success. The personal art of educating). Nuevo León, Mexico. Universidad de Monterrey.
Flores, J. (2007). Academic rigor and the excellence in higher education. American Society for Quality, QED News, Vol. XII, No. 2, p. 9.
Flores, J. (2007). Assessing the transferability of academic programs and curricula: a learning outcomes perspective. 11th Conferencia anual de la Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration CONAHEC. Québec, Canadá.
Flores, J. (2007). Successful students: promoting their existence and success.
Flores, J. (2007). Paper. Annual Congress of the American Society for Engineering Education ASEE-GSW. South Padre Island, Texas, USA.
Flores, J. (2016). Tendencia de RH, la felicidad en las empresas, las empresas sustentables (HR Trend, happiness in companies, sustainable companies) [Conference]. Congress on Human Development. Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
Flores, J. (2013). Liderazgo y calidad para la competitividad (Leadership and quality for competitiveness) [Conference]. Twenty-fourth edition of the National Contest of Work Teams. Cancún, Quintana Roo, Mexico.