The Bachelor’s program in Environmental Sciences and Health is designed to train professionals with a deep understanding of the interrelationship between environmental factors and human health.
Through a comprehensive and multidisciplinary education, it seeks to prepare students to face and solve environmental and public health challenges in a global context.
The objective is to train leaders capable of undertaking sustainable actions, rigorously applying their scientific and technological knowledge, and contributing significantly to sustainable development and the improvement of environmental and human health.
Wide range of opportunities in the public, private, academic and industrial sectors.
Pioneering program to link environmental and health issues in the region.
Specialized multidisciplinary laboratories.
With sustainability and health through the design of sustainable solutions that improve both the environment and human health.
Training in biological, environmental and public health services, which prepares you to tackle complex problems with a multidisciplinary approach.
The objective of the Bachelor’s degree program in Environmental Sciences and Health is to train professionals capable of identifying and analyzing environmental risks that impact human and ecosystem health, in order to design and propose innovative and functional solutions. These graduates will be committed to the conservation and improvement of health from a socio-environmental perspective, basing their actions on ethical principles and with a focus on dignified treatment.
Bachelor degree in environmental sciences and health student competences:
- Understands the biological, economic, political and social implications using an interdependent global context, in order to contribute to health.
- Undertakes high-impact, sustainable actions between the environment and public health, through environmental conditioning factors, which include physical, chemical and biological factors, as well as all related behaviors, to contribute to the improvement of the environment, control human and ecosystem health risks with openness and fairness.
- Rigorously apply their scientific, technological and technical knowledge, conducting research in the field and/or laboratory, with critical, analytical and logical thinking to identify and treat environmental problems that affect the health of humans and ecosystems, in order to contribute to society in the pursuit of sustainable development with social responsibility and humanism.
- Characterizes and identifies in a timely manner the ecological risks and regional or global environmental problems, contributing with multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary teams in the prevention of risks to human health and the consequences they may leave on the individual and their environment, with equity.
- Designs and executes sustainable intervention programs in the family, community, institutional, industrial and ecological spheres, through the use of scientific, technological and technical knowledge, for the sustainable use of resources, with empathy and social justice.
- Conducts health risk assessments, environmental risk, functional integrity of ecosystems, health impacts and impacts on socio-environmental systems using emerging information and communication technologies to perform environmental health diagnostics, as well as to generate real solutions through the design and implementation of quantitative indicators.
- Analyzes the different environments of action from its competence and seeks the development of new knowledge through multidisciplinary research, to solve needs with personal commitment and for the common good.
- Elaborates and advises environmental projects, through the integration of conceptual, methodological and technological tools, for the sustainable use of resources, with leadership and honesty, applying the legal, national and international regulatory frameworks in the environmental field in his professional practice.
- Generates ideas and products that challenge the established through research on environmental determinants of health, both for risk management and to solve needs for the common good.
- Has the necessary tools to continue his or her professional training at a national or international postgraduate level.
Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences and Health with Recognition of Official Validity of Studies (RVOE) granted by the Ministry of Public Education on July 2, 2024 according to Agreement 20241220. Valid from July 2, 2024 to April 2, 2031.

Admission Profile
Physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, ecology, basic knowledge of the English language.
Express social communication skills, develop self-learning activities, participate and collaborate effectively in interdisciplinary teams.
Work in teams and collaboratively with different media and resources.
Possess analytical and critical judgment skills, for observation, retention and analysis.
Possess problem solving, comprehension and oral communication skills and academic writing skills, perform outdoor monitoring, evaluation and/or sample collection activities.
Manage Microsoft Office and statistical packages at a basic level, retrieve information in a systematized way through the internet.
Demonstrate willingness to use self-study and individual learning techniques, collaborative work, service attitude, responsibility, honesty, empathy.
Show respect for diversity and interculturality.
Appreciate environmental and health sciences and show interest in their study.
Support personal positions on topics of interest and general relevance, providing critical and reflective points of view.
Have at least two years of work experience after obtaining a bachelor's degree.
Graduate Profile
Upon completion of this Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science and Health you will have the following knowledge:
- The basics of biological, mathematical, environmental and public health sciences, necessary for the practice of environmental health and admission to graduate studies.
- Different human health problems inherent to the environment and the necessary tools to elaborate situation diagnoses, prevention measures, timely intervention and environmental rehabilitation.
- Complex environmental health problems and development of new knowledge through the scientific method and interdisciplinary collaboration to develop innovative work in the field of their profession.
- Information and communication technologies and systems to strengthen their scientific activities.
- Problem solving by applying different study-learning strategies and contrast with established models or real situations.

Upon completion of this Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Health, you will gain the following skills:
- Demonstrate knowledge of environmental sciences and public health using logical and critical reasoning to address problems related to their professional practice.
- Value possible sustainable solutions to improve the environment and human health.
- Intervene in the improvement of human health and society, using social and cultural resources and technological advances.
- Solve problems, produce and transmit information through the use of information and communication technologies.
- To have a functional command of the English language, in such a way that allows updating in the scientific environment and establishing international professional collaboration.
- Use the scientific method to support continuing education in order to favor the development of research protocols and admission to postgraduate programs.
- Use administrative tools that facilitate their performance in the institutional work framework or in the particular professional undertaking.
- Collaborate in the public, private, academic or industrial field, in an interdisciplinary manner to contribute to the solution of environmental problems that impact on health.

At the conclusion of the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science and Health, you will obtain the following attitudes:
- Show respect for the environment and human health.
- Work collaboratively with other professionals to offer solutions to the needs of communities and society in general.
- Empathize with the human environment and its culture in relation to the environment with an inclusive approach and respect for human rights.
- Show self-control and resilience to make effective decisions based on scientific evidence.
- Listen attentively and actively to promote effective communication with interdisciplinary team members and clients.
- Prioritize professional development and self-improvement with a vocation for service, openness and humanism.
- Use emerging information and communication technologies in an innovative, ethical, responsible and sustainable way to solve problems.

Field of work
As a graduate of the bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences and Health, you will be able to perform as:
- Environmental inspector
- Environmental project manager
- Environmental health specialist
- Environmental policy analyst
- Environmental consultant
- Sustainable development researcher
- Environmental activist
- Community health specialist
- Environmental educator
- Environmental auditor
- Environmental technology R&D
- Corporate social responsibility consultant
Live an experience abroad
Have an academic experience abroad for a summer, a semester or a year.
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