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Health Sciences / Programs / Dentistry and Dental Surgery /

Dentistry and Dental Surgery curriculum

Explore the courses in your degree curriculum

UDEM allows you to choose the best path to enrich your academic and formative curriculum to the fullest.

Below, we show you a sample curriculum. Use the simulator to experiment and see how you could organize your courses.

Type of courses:
General studies ?
  • Mandatory
  • Electives
Professional studies?
  • Mandatory
  • Electives/Concentration
  • Internships and Final Evaluation Project (PEF)
Validations ?
  • Course with a prerequisite
  • Fixed course

Credits per semester: Minimum 6 - Maximum 42

CB 1005 Anatomy I
CB 1010 Embriology
CB 1105 Biological Chemistry
OD 1000 Introduction to Dentistry
OD 3000 Dental Anatomy
OD 3005 Preventive Dentsitry I
PS 1005 General Psychology
CB 1120 Physiology I
HU 1015 Comparative International Contexts
CB 1125 Physiology Laboratory I
CB 1035 Histology
CB 1040 Histology Laboratory
CB 1025 Cellular and Molecular Biology
OD 3015 Preventive Dentistry II
OD 3010 Dental Biomaterials
CB 1131 Physiology II
CB 1112 Nutrition
CB 1045 Microbiology and Parasitology
OD 3020 Dental Anesthesiology
OD 1970 Orofacial Radiology and Imaging
OD 3025 Preclinical Stomatology
ID 1500 Academic Writing
OD3131 Patología estomatológica
OD4006 Preclínica de Operatoria Dental
CB 1016 General Pathology I
CB 1140 Pharmacology and Toxicology
OD 1980 Orofacial Medicine and Genetics
OD 3035 Stomatological Propedeutics
OD 3030 Operative Dentistry I
AD 1200 Leadership in Organizations
OD2240 Clínica de Operatoria Dental I
OD 4005 Oral Pathology
OD 3040 Oclussion I
OD 4070 Periodontics I
OD 4000 Oral Surgery I
CC 2042 Clinical Propedeutics
OD 4010 Prosthodontics I
OD 3045 Operative Dentistry II
OD 4025 Endodontics I
CB 1017 Research Methods
OD 4015 Oclussion II
OD 4140 Periodontics II
OD 4020 Oral Surgery II
OD 4030 Prosthodontics II
OD 3050 Operative Dentistry III
OD 4115 Endodontics II
FM 1100 Interpreting Statistical Information
OD2450 Estomatología Quirúrgica I
OD2440 Clínica de Operatoria Dental III
OD 2935 Surgical Stomatology I
Curso Electivo General MCD
OD 4040 Prosthodontics III
OD 4045 Pediatric Dentistry I
OD 4035 Basic Orthodontics
HU 1010 Global Competencies
OD2512 Prostodoncia preclínica II
OD3154 Calidad y Seguridad del Paciente
OD2452 Estomatología quirúrgica II
OD 4075 Clinical Photography and Research
OD 2940 Surgical Stomatology II
OD 4050 Prosthodondtics IV
OD 4110 Pediatric Dentistry II
Curso Electivo Profesional MCD
Curso Electivo General MCD
OD2454 Estomatología Quirúrgica III
OD3325 Ortodoncia I
OD3331 Rehabilitación Estética Oral I
OD3321 Endoperiodontología I
OD 4145 Implant Dentistry
OD 2945 Surgical Stomatology III
OD 4052 Prosthodontics V
Curso Electivo Profesional MCD
Curso Electivo General MCD
OD2625 Taller de rehabilitación protésica en implantes
OD2132 Implantología quirúrgica
OD3327 Ortodoncia II
OD3334 Rehabilitación Estética Oral II
OD3322 Endoperiodontología II
OD 4155 Professional Practice Management
OD 4002 Stomatology for Medically Compromised Patients

This curriculum is a simulation. It is subject to changes and course availability. It does not in any way replace the Personal Education Plan.

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