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Health Sciences / Stories /

Hortensia Lumbreras

Credits: Archivo UDEM

For me, studying at UDEM became a life experience.

As an out-of-towner transferring from a public system to a private one, I was very uncertain about whether I would be able to adapt, but UDEM’s humanistic system is felt and experienced in everything: the interaction with the faculty, the integration activities with your peers, the possibility to continue fostering your values and receiving spiritual guidance right on campus.

During my course of study, not only did I learn about Medicine, the program really cultivates all aspects which will be useful in your work and social life in the long term. The fact that the curriculum itself leads you to learn, analyze, and apply other subjects outside Medicine keeps you from disconnecting from your environment and helps you to have interests beyond Medicine. The clinical field is topnotch, and since the groups are small, it allows the interaction with patients and faculty from the first clinical semesters.

A respectful doctor-patient relationship with the human touch that is the distinguishing hallmark of the university is encouraged. Now, as a professional and the head of a medical area, I seek in my collaborators not only the medical and scientific knowledge, but also the human touch and ethical sense that makes the difference in the care of our patients.

I will always be grateful to my parents for giving me the wonderful opportunity of studying at UDEM, acquiring the clinical knowledge that enables me to practice medicine with a human touch, and applying my values with each one of my patients and collaborators. Transcend by leaving your mark in each life you touch… that is a part of being UDEM.