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Health Sciences / Stories /

Brenda Padilla

Credits: Archivo UDEM

At UDEM, I experienced whole-person education first hand. During my course of study, not only did I learn about Psychology, since my program was flexible, and I was able to personalize it, I took some courses in Differential Calculus, Literature, and World Politics.

Thanks to the broad offer of extracurricular courses, I also had the opportunity to learn about dance, guitar, and the theater. I participated in student groups, went to Canada on an exchange program, did internships in various organizations, and provided support as a psychologist at a community center.

It was a wonderful, enriching period in my life. After completing my degree, I pursued a doctorate in England and now I am a member of the National Researchers’ System (SIN). I own a business (E-Learning Monterrey) and I do volunteer work with various organizations (Morsbags, Mensa Mexico, the UANL Talent Program, and the Monterrey Responsable Foundation).

In everything I do, I maintain comprehensive development as a lifestyle, performing professionally, keeping active in various areas, and seeking to fulfill myself in the service of others.