Doctorate in Middle East Politics
Durham University, UK
Master’s degree in Asian and African Studies with a Specialty in the Middle East
Center for Asian and African Studies, El Colegio de México
Universidad de Monterrey
Full professor
2003 to date
Universidad de Monterrey
Associate professor
Center for Asian and African Studies, El Colegio de México
Research Assistant
Universidad del Valle de México
Adjunct Professor
Reviewer for Revista Trayectorias (Journal)
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Reviewer for Revista Estudios de Asia y África (Journal of Asian and African Studies)
El Colegio de México
Galindo, A. (Western, W. co-author) (2018). Voces, Tramas y Trayectorias: transiciones críticas en Medio Oriente y norte de África (Voices, Plots, and Trajectories: Critical Transitions in the Middle East and Northern Africa) Universidad de Monterrey and Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.
Galindo, A. (2018). Mexico and Brazil’s Approach Towards the GCC Countries: An Assessment of Economic Diplomacy. Research paper, Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, Doha Institute.
Galindo, A. (2017). Qatar and Latin America: Narrowing the Distance. Monograph Papers, Gulf Studies Center, Qatar University.
Galindo, A. (2017). Los Desafíos de los Países del Consejo de Cooperación del Golfo ante la Crisis de Siria: Arabia Saudí y Qatar (Challenges to Countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council in face of the Syrian Crisis) (Conde, G. Ed.). Siria en el Torbellino: Insurrección, Guerras y Geopolítica (Syria in Turmoil: Insurrection, Wars, and Geopolitics) Mexico City. El Colegio de México.
Galindo, A. (Ed.) (2016). The Gulf and Latin America: Exploring new Avenues of Cooperation. Cambridge, UK: Gulf Research Center.
Galindo, A.; Niblock, T.; and Degang, S. (2016). The Arab States of the Gulf and Brics: New Strategic Partnerships in Geopolitics and Economics. Frankfurt: Gerlach Press.
Galindo, A.; Brun, E.; y Baeza, C. (2014). Diversity behind unity: Latin America response to the Arab Uprisings. (Mason, R. Ed.). International Relations of the Arab Spring. London: Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 125-153.
Galindo, A.; Western, W.; y Bernal, I. (2014). Voces, tramas y trayectorias: las protestas populares en Medio Oriente y Norte de África (Voices, plots, and trajectories: popular protests in the Middle East and Northern Africa) Monterrey: Universidad de Monterrey and Universidad de Nuevo León.
SNI Member, Level I.