You will be able to counsel the company concerning its incorporation, organization, and control, covering the most important aspects resulting from international economic openness and the ever-changing competitive environment, contributing legal certainty to decision making.
In the International Business law category, within the Top 200 of Latin America, of the Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking 2019.
en América Latina en la categoría International Business Law de Eduniversal Best Masters Ranking 2019.
You will be educated and trained as a professional who is capable of transforming legal work, placing it at the core of an organization’s managerial process and global competitive performance. As a Law professional, you will also specialize in the responsible management of companies regarding legal affairs.
You will be able to offer solution alternatives to complex issues that national and international organizations face regarding legal operations and businesses.
Student Learning Outcomes
- You will understand legal issues specialized in international and corporate issues in order to prevent and resolve problems pertaining to the companies.
- You will apply logic and legal reasoning in order to prevent and solve business problems.
- You will compare different legal concepts and institutions, both national and international, in order to anticipate and respond to the companies’ problems.

Admission Profile
- Hold an undergraduate degree in Law, Management, International Relations, or like disciplines.
- Preferably, have two years’ work experience or having graduated with academic excellence.
- Possess the minimum required skills to enter the graduate level program, such as problem analysis, decision-making, and negotiating.
Graduate Profile
As a graduate, you will acquire the following competencies upon conclusion of this master’s degree program:
- You will lead the composition, organization, and control of the different legal phenomena of a corporation.
- You will appropriately analyze, evaluate, and respond to legal provisions that have an impact on a company and its national relations, and you will provide consultancy on the execution of property and financial agreements and contracts.

As a graduate, you will acquire the following knowledge upon conclusion of this master’s degree program:
- Legal argumentation.
- International corporate law.
- International commerce law.
- Legal updating mechanisms for corporate law.

As a graduate, you will acquire the following skills upon conclusion of this master’s degree program:
- Leadership and creativity.
- Use of sound legal principles and values to interpret precepts, laws, contracts, and international agreements.
- Application of an interdisciplinary vision in legal analysis.
- Use of legal sources (legal, jurisprudential, and doctrinal) in technical sources (internet).

As a graduate, you will acquire the following attitudes upon conclusion of this master’s degree program:
- Motivation for quality and ethical commitment towards social, economic, and environmental issues.
- Commitment to professional and social service.
- Transformational ethical leadership.
- Honesty and integrity.

Live an experience abroad
Have an academic experience abroad for a summer, a semester or a year.
See moreCurriculum
Consult the courses that you will take in the Master’s Degree in Business Law.
*The order presented may change.
Course | Credits |
Juridical Regime of Corporations | 6 |
Economic Competition Law | 6 |
Course | Credits |
Juridical Logic and Argumentation | 6 |
Fiscal Regimen of the Company | 6 |
Course | Credits |
Civil, Penal and Administrative Responsibility of Companies’ Managers | 6 |
Seminar on the Company’s Global Trends and Scenarios | 6 |
Course | Credits |
Specialization Elective Course | 6 |
Specialization Elective Course | 6 |
Course | Credits |
Specialization Elective Course | 6 |
Specialization Elective Course | 6 |
Seminar on Juridical Research | 6 |
Course | Credits |
Specialization Elective Course | 6 |
Thesis Seminar | 6 |
Total credits: 78
Professors of the School of Law and Social Sciences
Learn about the success stories of our graduates.