PhD + MRes in Political and Social Sciences
European University Institute (EUI), Florencia, Italia
M.A. in Nationalism Studies
Central European University (CEU), Budapest, Hungría
Bachelor of International Relations
Colegio de México, Mexico City
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg / Berlin, Germany
Associate researcher, Institute of Latin American Studies
2016 to date
EUDO-Citizenship / GLOBALCIT, Florence, Italy, and Maastricht, the Netherlands
Country Expert for Mexico, Honduras, and Panama
2014 to date
German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Hamburg / Berlin, Germany
Post-Doctoral Fellow
Winner of the Newton Mobility Grant (British Academy) for the project Scrutinising Home States and Diaspora Governance: A Comparative Perspective on Turkey and Mexico, along with Dr. Bahar Baser, of Coventry University’s Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations.
British Academy
Hoyo, H. (2018). ¿Cómo se diseña el nacionalismo? (How is nationalism designed?) (K. Puente, Ed.). In Introducción a la investigación en Social Sciences: Enfoques contemporáneos (Introduction to Research in Social Sciences: Contemporary Approaches) Mexico City: UNAM.
Hoyo, H. and Rubí, M. (2017). Access to Electoral Rights: Panama. GLOBALCIT – RSCAS / EUI.
Hoyo, H. (2017). Reviewed by Jelena Džankić: Citizenship in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro. East European Politics, 33(2), 317-319.
Hoyo, H. (2016). Report on Citizenship Law: Honduras. Florence, Italy. EUDO Citizenship – RSCAS / EUI.
Hoyo, H. (2016). Second-class Citizens: Naturalization Policies in Mexico. Migration Letters. 13(1), 100-115.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Apertura externa, inclusión interna: El nacionalismo revolucionario y los derechos de migrantes, mexicanos por naturalización, y dobles nacionales en México (Foreign openness, internal inclusion: Revolutionary nationalism and the rights of migrants, naturalized Mexicans, and double nationals in Mexico). Freie Universität Berlín – IAI – GIGA, 2015) (p. 87). Berlin, Germany: DesiguALdades Working Paper.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Report on Citizenship Law: Mexico. Florencia, Italia: EUDO Citizenship – RSCAS / EUI.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Veränderungen und Konstanten im Mexikanischen Nationalismus, (Changes and Constant Factors in Mexican Nationalism) (B. Schröter, Ed.). Das politische System Mexicos (The Mexican Political System) Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer, 53-68.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Visiones encontradas: el V centenario en estampillas postales (Opposing visions: the 5th centenary in post stamps) (G. Navarro, Ed.) Autorretratos del Estado (Self-portraits of the State) [t. III]. Cuenca, Spain: Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha, 127-148.
Hoyo, H. (2014). ¿Juntos y bien revueltos?: la representación etno-cultural de México en estampillas postales de 1930-1940. (Together and very scrambled? The ethno-cultural representation of Mexico in post stamps from 1930 to 1940) (S. Schuster Ed.) La nación expuesta: Cultura visual y procesos de formación de la nación en América Latina (The nation exposed: visual culture and the formation processes of nations in Latin America) Bogota, Colombia: Universidad del Rosario, 173-198.
Hoyo, H. (2014). Reviewed by John Coakley, Nationalism, Ethnicity and the State. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism. 14(1), 233-35.
Hoyo, H. (2012). Fresh Views on the Old Past: The Postage Stamps of the Mexican Bicentennial. Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism. 12(1), 19-44.
Hoyo, H. (2012). Reviewed by Michael Goebel, Argentina’s Partisan Past. Nations and Nationalism. 18(4), 777-778.
Hoyo, H. (2011). Transplant or Graft? Hroch and the Mexican Patriotic Movements, (A. Maxwell Ed.). The Comparative Approach to National Movements. London: Routledge, 25-44.
Hoyo, H. (2010). Transplant or graft? Hroch and the Mexican Patriotic Movements. Nationalities Papers. 38(6), 793–812.
Hoyo, H. (2010). Posting Nationalism: Postage Stamps as Carriers of Nationalist Messages, (J Burbick and W. Glass Eds.). Beyond Imagined Uniqueness: Nationalisms in Contemporary Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 67-92.
Hoyo, H. (2018). Citizens but not equals: Comparing Citizenship Hierarchies. [Talk]. 46th ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Nicosia, and Cyprus: University of Nicosia
Hoyo, H. (2017). Calladito te ves más bonito: el no-debate sobre los derechos políticos para extranjeros en México (You’re beautiful when you don’t talk: a non-debate on the political rights of foreigners in Mexico) [Talk]. Colloquium on Nationality and Citizenship in Mexico, 19th and 20th century, Mexico City: Institute of Historical Research, UNAM.
Hoyo, H. (2017). ¿Vino viejo en odres nuevos? Los nacionalismos europeos contemporáneos (New wine in old wineskins? Contemporary European nationalisms) [Talk]. 31st Congress of the Mexican Association for International Studies, Universidad del Mar, Huatulco.
Hoyo, H. (2017). Nationalism in Europe: what’s new about it? [Talk]. Conférences-Midi de la Chaire Jean Monnet, Universidad de Montréal. Canada.
Hoyo, H. (2017). Who Reproduces the Nation? The Production and Promotion of National Symbolism through Official Products. [Talk]. 27th Conference of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN), London, LSE.
Hoyo, H. (2016). Citizenship, Equality and Naturalization in a Comparative Perspective. [Talk]. General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Prague, Rep. Czech Republic: Charles University.
Hoyo, H. (2016). Citizenship is for True Mexicans: The Influence of the Revolutionary Nationalism Doctrine on Citizenship Laws in Mexico. [Talk]. 26th ASEN Conference. London, LSE.
Hoyo, H. (2016). Ideological Framing and Political Interests in the Extension of Political Rights in Mexico: Migrants, Naturalized Citizens, Dual Nationals. [Talk]. ILAS-GIGA Colloquium. Hamburg, Germany: GIGA.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Half-Citizens of Dubious Loyalties: Limits to the Political Rights of Dual Nationals in Mexico. [Talk]. EUDO Dissemination Conference ‘Spreading Citizenship’. Florence, Italy: EUDO - RSCAS/EUI.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Institutionalized Discrimination: Naturalized Citizens and Dual Nationals in Mexico. [Talk]. GIGA – DesiguALdades Colloquium ‘Inequalities and Citizenship’. Hamburg, Germany: GIGA.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Second-class Citizens: The Unequal Status of Naturalized Mexicans. [Talk]. Naturalization Policies and Practices in the Global South. Colonia, Germany: GSSC - Universität zu Köln.
Hoyo, H. (2015). We are naturally mixed, so why should we need migrants? Mestizaje and migrants in Mexico. [Talk]. 25th ASEN Conference. London: LSE.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Limitations to the rights of migrants, dual nationals and naturalized citizens. [Talk]. Seminar on Nation and Alterity. Mexico City: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Cuajimalpa.
Hoyo, H. (2015). Mexican nationalism and the limits to rights of migrants to Mexico. [Talk]. Colloquium on Social Mobility and Interdependent Inequalities. Mexico City: Institute of Social Research, UNAM – Red DesiguALdades.
Hoyo, H. (2012). Graphic Nationalism: National Imaginaries in Postage Stamps. [Talk]. 22nd ASEN Conference. London: LSE.
Hoyo, H. (2012). Ethno-cultural Stereotypes in Mexican Post-Revolutionary Stamps. [Talk]. Colloquium – The Exposed Nation: visual culture and formation processes of nations in Latin America. Eichstätt, Germany: Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
Hoyo, H. (2011). Official Postcards: Spreading Ideological and Nationalist Messages through Postage Stamps. [Talk]. 16th Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN). New York: Universidad de Columbia.
Hoyo, H. (2011). True Mexico on Mail: The National Imaginary of the Mexican Bicentennial Postage Stamps. [Talk]. 21st ASEN Conference. London: LSE.
Researcher Level