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Doctorate in Law

Coordinate legal investigations of excellence and provide highly specialized consulting and advice.
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UDEM’s doctoral program in Law offers solid education and training for legal researchers with academic excellence and ethical behavior so that they can develop new knowledge in the field of legal science and original contributions that innovatively respond to the needs of society.

Quick Facts

Years of duration.


Lines of research: Human Rights and Business Law.

Modalidad a distancia

Examen de grado presencial en Campus UDEM.

Sui Luris

La UDEM es miembro de Sui Iuris, Asociación Iberoamericana de Facultades y Escuelas de Derecho.


Graduates will have acquired rigorous scientific training that will allow them to carry out high-quality legal research to produce new knowledge in the field of legal science and original contributions that innovatively respond to the needs of society, also enabling them as specialized advisors and consultants.

Admission profile

Hold an undergraduate degree in Law with a master’s in one of the following areas of knowledge, or like disciplines: 

  • Law
  • Social Sciences
  • The Humanities
  • Administration
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • International Relations
  • International Trade
  • Politics

Candidates should preferably be able to read and understand texts in English.

Graduate profile

  • Main contemporary theories on their lines of research.
  • Command of areas of their legal specialization. 
  • Advanced legal research methods. 
  • Argumentation and interpretation for legal research. 
  • Multidisciplinary knowledge oriented to the scientific research of legal topics.
  • In-depth knowledge of the philosophy, sociology, and technique of law as foundations of the legal phenomenon.
  • ​​Use of various methodologies for specialized legal research.
  • Analysis of legal phenomena in an innovative manner.
  • Counsel on topics related to their lines of research.
  • Application of legal knowledge through their research and impacting on social transformations as an opinion leader.
  • Solution of practical legal problems through legal research.
  • Development of legal research with scientific rigor and a disciplinary and transdisciplinary profile.
  • Academic leadership.
  • Specialized consulting and advice. 
  • Systematic use of various sources of Law.
  • Participation in teaching in undergraduate and graduate programs.
  • Leading legal research projects. 
  • Generating legal alternatives and critical thinking with regard to the established norm. 
  • Applying legal knowledge on behalf of their advisees and clients. 
  • Commitment, collaboration, and orientation to results.
  • Professionalism and ethical behavior. 
  • Social responsibility for the analysis of law form an innovative perspective. 
  • Autonomous learning.

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The program is divided into six semesters, with two courses, and five Seminars on Legal
Research Seminars and Thesis. ​

1st semester
Course Credits
​​​Advanced Legal Methodology 6
​Argumentation and Interpretation for Legal Research 6


2nd semester
Course Credits
Legal Research and Thesis Seminar I 13
3rd semester
Course Credits
Legal Research and Thesis Seminar II 13
4th semester
Course Credits
Legal Research and Thesis Seminar III 13
5th semester
Course Credits
Legal Research and Thesis Seminar lV 13
6th semester
Course Credits
Legal Research and Thesis Seminar V 13

Total number of credits: 77

Graduation requirement: passing the degree examination.

Professors of the School of Law and Social Sciences

Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Social Sciences, Law
Social Sciences
Social Sciences


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Last year I had the opportunity to travel to New York and Washington to learn about the…
At UDEM I have had the opportunity to develop myself in different spaces and activities…
Studying at UDEM has been one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
She holds a law degree and a Master's degree in Business Law from the Universidad de…
One of the many enriching experiences I have had at UDEM was going to Hungary as an…
At UDEM I have had an infinite number of possibilities to aspire to be my best version.

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