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Law and Social Sciences / Faculty /

Luis Alberto García García

Social Sciences
Icono de Formación Académica

Doctorate in History (Ph.D.) 

Southern Methodist University, Dallas


Master's Degree in History (M.A.)  

Southern Methodist University, Dallas


Master's Degree in History of the Hispanic World 

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC – The Spanish National Research Council) / Fundación Carolina (Carolina Foundation), Madrid


Bachelor of History 

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León


Icono de Distinciones y Premios
Recognitions and Awards

Winner of the 17th edition of the Atanasio G. Saravia Citi Banamex Award (2017-2017) in the Professional Research category

Fomento Cultural Banamex


Icono de Publicaciones

García García, L. (2007). Guerra y Frontera: El Ejército del Norte entre 1855 y 1858 (The Army of the North between 1855 and 1858) General Archive of the state of Nuevo León. Monterrey.

García García, L. (2006). Bárbaros, presidios, milicias y frontera: Un estudio del noreste novohispano durante el siglo XVIII. Sociedad, Milicia Y Política En Nuevo León. Siglos XVIII Y XIX. Homenaje Al Historiador Isidro Vizcaya Canales (1917-2005) [Barbarians, prisons, militias, and border: A study of the New Spanish northeast during the 18th century. Society, Militia, and Politics in Nuevo León. 18th and 19th Centuries. A Tribute to Historian Isidro Vizcaya Canales (1917-2005)] General Archive of the state of Nuevo León.

García García, L. (2004). Antecedentes del Ejército del Norte. Un Estudio de la Guardia Nacional Neolonesa (1848-1855) [Background of the Army of the North. A study of the Nuevo León National Guard (1848 – 1855)] Historia Del Noreste Mexicano (A History of the Mexican Northeast). Yearbook of the General Archive of the state of Nuevo León.