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You will be capable of assessing patients with digestive pathologies from the onset of their medical conditions until they are discharged.
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In the Medical Subspecialty in Gastroenterology, you will train as a specialist physician with sufficient knowledge and competencies to assess patients with digestive pathologies from the onset of the medical condition until they are discharged, including a full and comprehensive clinical assessment of the patient, clinical and paraclinical diagnosis, specific medical treatment vs prescription of appropriate surgical treatment and/or rehabilitation and discharge.

Furthermore, you will respond to the demands of our society for specialized gastroenterological care in institutional and/or private medicine, with support from technology that will allow you to offer the highest standards of care.

Duration: 3 years.



  • IMSS Hospital 25.
Recognition of Official Validity of Studies (RVOE) granted by the Mexican Secretariat of Public Education in accordance with agreement 20110458 dated September 1, 2009.


In the Subspecialty in Gastroenterology you will develop the scientific research method as a habitual instrument for the care of patients and as a method for resolution and continuous upgrading to provide thorough medical and humanitarian care with excellent quality.

You will use educational methodology as an ancillary method for continuing self-learning during your residency and in your subsequent professional practice and as a method to promote the education of your peers, patients, relatives, and staff that accompanies you in your daily work.


Student Learning Outcomes

  • You will solve the clinical problems of pathologies pertaining to Gastroenterology in different clinical scenarios.
  • You will demonstrate through your actions the principles of ethics and professionalism of your specialty.
  • You will support the tutoring of lower-ranking peers and patients.
  • You will develop research that will allow you to make decisions regarding the care of your patients.

Graduate profile

You will be a competent physician with sufficient knowledge to assess patients with digestive pathologies from the onset of the medical conditions until they are discharged, including a full and comprehensive clinical assessment of the patient, clinical and paraclinical diagnosis, specific medical treatment vs prescription of appropriate surgical treatment and/or rehabilitation and discharge.

Admission profile

You will need to have completed 2 years of the Specialty in Internal Medicine. Furthermore, you should have the following knowledge:

  • Scientific foundations of medicine and of Internal Medicine in particular.
  • Broad knowledge of scientific methodology and the epidemiological method.
  • Fluent and accurate use of oral and written Spanish.
  • Understanding and translating English.

You will need to have completed 2 years of the Specialty in Internal Medicine. Furthermore, you should have the following skills:

  • Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in Pediatrics.
  • Teamwork.
  • Systematized retrieval of medical information.
  • Basic ability to use the Internet. 
  • Basic use of Windows (Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • Use of statistics packages.

You will need to have completed 2 years of the Specialty in Internal Medicine. Furthermore, you should have the following attitudes:

  • Warmth and availability to care for the patient and his or her family.
  • Discipline, order, and punctuality.
  • Honesty and respect of others as values.
  • Study habits and participation in continuing education activities.
  • Enterprising spirit.
  • Responsibility and leadership in the health care team.
  • An attitude of academic advancement and self-learning.
  • A healthy life style to prevent diseases and enjoy better quality of life.
  • Perseverance in your professional development.

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Consult the courses that you will take in the Subspecialty in Gastroenterology.

First year
Code Course CRS Year
SSGA1001 Nosology of the Digestive System I 4
SSGA1002 Emergencies in Gastroenterology and Basic 4
SSGA1003 Genetics and Anatomical Pathology 4
SSGA1004 Clinical Training I 35
SSGA1005 Research I 8
SSGA1006 Clinical Training II 35
Second year
Code Course CRS Year
SSGA2001 Nosology of the Digestive System II 4
SSGA2002 Pediatric Gastroenterology 2
SSGA2003 Imaging I 2
SSGA2004 Specialized Gastroenterology Studies 2
SSGA2005 Immunology 2
SSGA2006 Clinical Training III 35
SSGA2007 Research II 8
SSGA2008 Clinical Training IV 35
Third year
Code Course CRS Year
SSGA3001 Nosology of the Digestive System III 6
SSGA3002 Endoscopy 4
SSGA3003 Manometry 2
SSGA3004 Clinical Training V 33
SSGA3005 Research III 8
SSGA3006 Medical and Health Education 6
SSGA3007 Bioethics 2
SSGA3008 Clinical Training VI 33

Professors of the Vice-Presidency of Health Sciences

Medical Specialties
Medical Specialties
Basic Sciences
Medical Specialties
Basic Sciences


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