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Health Sciences / Programs / Medical Doctor Program /

Medical Doctor curriculum

Explore the courses in your degree curriculum

UDEM allows you to choose the best path to enrich your academic and formative curriculum to the fullest.

Below, we show you a sample curriculum. Use the simulator to experiment and see how you could organize your courses.

Type of courses:
General studies ?
  • Mandatory
  • Electives
Professional studies?
  • Mandatory
  • Electives/Concentration
  • Internships and Final Evaluation Project (PEF)
Validations ?
  • Course with a prerequisite
  • Fixed course

Credits per semester: Minimum 6 - Maximum 42

CB 1017 Research Methods
Curso Electivo General MCP
CB 1005 Anatomy I
CB 1010 Embriology
CB 1012 Introduction to Medicine
CB 1105 Biological Chemistry
CB1611 Seminario de investigación I
AD 1200 Leadership in Organizations
Curso Electivo General MCP
CB 1015 Anatomy II
CB 1025 Cellular and Molecular Biology
CB 1013 Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Laboratory
CB 1115 Medical Biochemistry
CB1231 Estadística médica
HU 1010 Global Competencies
ID 1500 Academic Writing
CB 1011 Medical Genomics and Proteomics
CB 1035 Histology
CB 1040 Histology Laboratory
CB 1120 Physiology I
CB 1125 Physiology Laboratory I
CC3336 Salud pública
FM 1100 Interpreting Statistical Information
HU 1015 Comparative International Contexts
CB 1045 Microbiology and Parasitology
CB 1050 Microbiology Laboratory
CB 1131 Physiology II
CB 1135 Physiology Laboratory II
CB 1056 Basic Immunology
CC 2035 Bioethics
CB 1016 General Pathology I
CB 1009 Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics
CB 1014 Laboratory of Pharmacology and Pharmacogenetics
CC 2025 Legal Medicine and Professional Practice
CC 2013 Clinical Pathology
CC 2009 Integrative Medicine
CC 2031 Preventive Medicine
CC 3160 Clinical Immunology
CC 2014 General Pathology II
CC 2007 Clinical Pharmacology
CC 2021 Radiology and Imaging
CC 2004 Quality Health Care and Safety
CC 3016 Basic Clinical Integration I
CC 3405 Gerontology and Palliative Care
Curso Electivo Profesional MCP
CC 2005 Infectious Diseases
CC 3201 General Surgery
CC 3101 Cardiología
CC 3109 Pneumology
CC 3102 Gastroenterology
CC 3405 Gerontology and Palliative Care
CC1133 Clínica II
CC 3205 Plastic Surgery
CC 3210 Orthopedics and Traumatology
CC 3129 Endocrinology
CC 3140 Hematology
CC 3015 Growth and Development
CC 3115 Rheumatology
Curso Electivo Profesional MCP
CC2123 Clínica III
CC 3216 Otolaryngology
CC 3221 Ophthalmology
CC 3146 Dermatology
CC 3136 Nephrology
CC 3400 Obstetrics and Gynecology
CC 3300 Pediatrics
CC 3225 Urology
Curso Electivo Profesional MCP
CC 2061 Primary Care Medicine
CC 2045 Public Health
CC 2052 Emergency Medicine
CC 3150 Psychiatry
CC 2055 Community Medicine
CC 3017 Basic Clinical Integration II
CC3323 Medicina familiar y de atención primaria
CC3123 Clínica V
CC 4001 Undergraduate Internship I
CC 4006 Undergraduate Internship II

This curriculum is a simulation. It is subject to changes and course availability. It does not in any way replace the Personal Education Plan.

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