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Obstetrics and Gynecology

In the specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology you will apply your knowledge and skills to solve obstetric-gynecological problems.
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You will train as a specialist for the comprehensive management of women, based on scientific and technological advancements. Furthermore, you will develop skills to practice your specialty with strong professional and humanistic values that will allow you to establish an effective physician-patient-family relationship and integrate into and work with a multidisciplinary health team with respect, quality, human warmth, and responsibility toward society.

Duration: 4 years.



Recognition of Official Validity of Studies (RVOE) granted by the Mexican Secretariat of Public Education in accordance with agreement 20110468 dated March 2017.


In the specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology you will become capable of identifying, preventing, and treating the pathological aspects of the female reproductive system, with a biopsychosocial approach.


Student Learning Outcomes

  • You will solve the clinical problems of pathologies typical of Epidemiology in the different clinical scenarios.
  • You will demonstrate through your actions the principles of ethics and professionalism of your specialty.
  • You will support the tutoring of lower-ranking peers and patients.
  • You will conduct research that will allow you to make decisions regarding the care of your patients.

Admission profile

  • Scientific foundations of Medicine: Basic Sciences (Physiology, Biochemistry, Anatomy, Neuroanatomy, Pharmacology, Histology, Embryology, etc.). 
  • Broad knowledge of scientific methodology and the epidemiological method.
  • Willingness to acquire skills to manage diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in general Medicine.
  • Basic technical-surgical skills of Medicine. • Warmth and availability to care for the patient and his or her family.
  • Responsibility and leadership in the health care team.
  • An attitude of academic advancement and self-learning.

Graduate profile

Upon completion of your studies in Obstetrics and Gynecology, you will have developed the following knowledge:

  • You will possess essential knowledge for your practice as an OB/GYN who is capable of using medical care methods and techniques for the comprehensive approach of women efficiently and effectively. Such methods and techniques should be befitting of the individual and group circumstances that you face in your professional practice.
  • You will possess in-depth knowledge of the anatomical structures of the pelvis and the female mammary gland, as well as of congenital malformations of the genitourinary system and the different surgical access paths.
  • You will use critical refection as a habitual element in the practice of your profession, applying it to prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation resources within your specialized field of action.
  • You will select medical literature of your specialty, appropriately applying it to your daily activities in order to support, deepen, and broaden your professional scope.
  • You will be knowledgeable about the characteristics of the female human body and its different health and disease conditions.
  • You will master the principles governing the development and genetic alterations of the human body, with emphasis on the female reproductive system.
  • You will define fundamental concepts of human reproduction as well as the different factors causing infertility, its diagnosis and respective treatment.
  • You will possess professional competencies necessary to work in the public and private sectors.

Upon completion of your studies in Obstetrics and Gynecology, you will have developed the following skills:

  • You will use the scientific research method as a habitual and constant method for professional development.
  • You will demonstrate and foster the continuous development of the skills and abilities acquired to solve obstetric-gynecological problems in your daily work.
  • You will timely prevent, diagnose, treat, and refer patients according to their kind of pathology.
  • You will apply the diagnostic and treatment resources corresponding to your area of professional practice.
  • You will collaborate productively with the different health professionals that require your services on a daily basis, fostering an integrative vision of your work.

Upon completion of your studies in Obstetrics and Gynecology, you will have developed the following attitudes:

  • You will be a promoter of the integration of medical advances into your professional activities and in your work setting to offer the best benefits and lowest risks to your patients.
  • You will demonstrate interest in joining continuing education, integrating your patients and work teams into it.
  • You will demonstrate interest in acquiring new skills and abilities in accordance with scientific and technological advances for the benefit of your patients.
  • You will construe the physician’s professional training process as a human and social phenomenon, taking into consideration the institutional conditions in which Medicine is practiced and taught.
  • You will support the practice of Obstetrics and Gynecology on the principles of humanism, taking into consideration the biopsychosocial integrity of individuals in their constant interaction with their social and ecological environment.
  • You will foster your permanent education and professional advancement for your continuous improvement and the ethical use of medical knowledge.
  • You will appreciate medical literature, appropriately applying it to your daily activities in order to support, deepen, and broaden your professional scope.
  • You will establish a positive relationship with the patient, his or her family, and the professional circles.
  • You will act at all time with the humanitarianism and respect that your patients deserve.
  • You will assume the moral obligation of educating other generations of physicians, health personnel, and society.

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Consult the courses that you will take in the specialty in Obstetrics and Gynecology.

First year
Code Course CRS Year

Clinical Training I

Surgical Anatomy and Embryology
Obstetric Physiology


Basic Obstetrics and Gynecology Course I


HCGO1012 Biochemistry 4

Research I

ESMI1001 Patient Safety 2
HCGO1011 Ethics and Medical Professionalism 4
Second year
Code Course CRS Year

Clinical Training II

Anatomical Pathology and Exfoliative Cytology
Basic Obstetrics and Gynecology Course II 4
Radiodiagnosis and Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 4
HCGO2013 Pharmacology 4





Research II

HCGO2016 Medical Genetics 4
Third year
Code Course CRS Year

Clinical Training III

HCGO3007 Oncology in Obstetrics and Gynecology 4
HCGO3003 Gynecological Urology 4
HCGO3005 Endocrinology in Obstetrics and Gynecology 4


Basic Obstetrics and Gynecology Course III



Research III

Fourth year
Code Course CRS Year

Clinical Training IV

HCGO4008 Biology of Reproduction and Infertility 4
HCGO4009 Human Sexuality and Birth Control 4
HCGO4010 Critical Medicine and Neonatal Care 4
HCGO4011 Psychology and Sociology Applied to Obstetrics and Gynecology 4


Prenatal Ultrasound



Research IV


Medical and Health Education


Professors of the Vice-Presidency of Health Sciences

Medical Specialties
Basic Sciences, Clinical Sciences
Medical Specialties
Basic Sciences
Medical Specialties


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