Karla Gómez

I believe that the most significant thing I learned during the LPSC program was how to listen beyond what is said and pay attention to what is not evident at plain sight. I leaned to see what is hidden, ask questions, and be curious.
I realized that theory is very different from clinic practice. Not all knowledge is acquired through books nor in classrooms. It’s not a question of generalizing a patient’s case according to a test, but rather of taking into consideration the patient’s individuality and remembering that they have their own truth, story, and voice. I understood that psychometric tests and interviews are tools and not an absolute truth.
Finally, the things I found most valuable about the program was acknowledging when I didn’t know what to do and recognizing my errors. Likewise, not coming to conclusions too soon, and being patient. Each case is unique and not everything is predictable. What my experience has taught me is that you need patience and be willing to listen to others.