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Business / Programs / Bachelor of Marketing and Creative Strategy /

Bachelor of Marketing and Creative Strategy curriculum

Explore the courses in your degree curriculum

UDEM allows you to choose the best path to enrich your academic and formative curriculum to the fullest.

Below, we show you a sample curriculum. Use the simulator to experiment and see how you could organize your courses.

Type of courses:
General studies ?
  • Mandatory
  • Electives
Professional studies?
  • Mandatory
  • Electives/Concentration
  • Internships and Final Evaluation Project (PEF)
Validations ?
  • Course with a prerequisite
  • Fixed course

Credits per semester: Minimum 6 - Maximum 42

HU 1005 Social Thinking of the Church
HU 2025 Philosophical Anthropology
AD 1005 Fundamentals of Management
EC 1031 Macroeconomics
CO 1003 Financial Information in Business
AD 1402 Introducción a la Mercadotecnia y Estrategia Creativa
EC 1011 Microeconomics
CO 1011 Cost Analysis for Decision Making
FM 1115 Statistics
AD 1400 Marketing
DG 1100 Introductory Studies in Visual Thinking
AD 2001 Sustentability, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Business
CO 1025 Financial Analysis
FM 1009 Quantitative Tools for Business
AD 2417 Market Research
AD 1011 Creative Thinking
DG 1110 Basic Photography for Designers
ID 1500 Academic Writing
DE1000 Corporate Legal Framework
AD 2056 Social Enterprising
CO 1020 Quantitative Fundamentals of Finance
AD 2420 Marketing Communication and Sales Promotion
DG 1125 Graphic Design Tools
HU 1010 Global Competencies
AD 2015 Business Plan
CO 2065 Financial Assessment of Investment Projects
CI 2245 Visuality and Mass Media
SC 1500 Interface Design
DG 1135 Digital Graphic Design Production
FM 1100 Interpreting Statistical Information
Curso Electivo General LMEC
CO 2025 Finance Applied to Marketing
AD 2445 Advertising Management and Strategies
AD 3446 Consumer Behavior
AD 2419 Digital Marketing
AD 1200 Leadership in Organizations
AD 3495 Brand Management
AD 3452 Consumer Behavior
AA 3121 Video and Multimedia
Curso Electivo Profesional LMEC
AD 4402 Directed Professional Internship in Marketing and Creative Strategy
Curso Electivo General LMEC
EC 3075 Integrative Business Seminar
AD 3455 Innovation and Development of New Products and Services
EC 4000 Research Methodology for Business
DG 4440 Graphic Design Seminar
Curso Electivo Profesional LMEC
HU 1015 Comparative International Contexts
AD 3451 Integrated Marketing Communication
AD 3456 Creative Strategies Portfolio
DI 3310 Interdisciplinary Design Solutions
Curso Electivo Profesional LMEC
AD 4415 Marketing and Creative Strategy Final Evaluation Program

This curriculum is a simulation. It is subject to changes and course availability. It does not in any way replace the Personal Education Plan.

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