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Vice President of Health Sciences appointed as ALAFEM’s treasurer

Author: UDEM

Eduardo García Luna Martínez, Vice President of Health Sciences, was elected to be part of the board of directors of the Asociación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Facultades y Escuelas de Medicina (ALAFEM – The Association of Medical Schools of Latin America and the Caribbean).

One of ALAFEM’s aims is to attain better, higher-quality medical education processes in Latin America, thus adapting to the social needs of each region in order to achieve better service for patients.

UDEM professor Luna García will hold the position of treasurer for a two-year period in this institution, which is part of the Unión de Universidades de América Latina y del Caribe (UDUAL – Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean), which includes universities from all over Latin America.