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Explore the courses in your degree curriculum
UDEM allows you to choose the best path to enrich your academic and formative curriculum to the fullest.
Below, we show you a sample curriculum. Use the simulator to experiment and see how you could organize your courses.
Type of courses:
Professional studies?
- Mandatory
- Electives/Concentration
- Internships and Final Evaluation Project (PEF)
Validations ?
- Course with a prerequisite
- Fixed course
Credits per semester: Minimum 6 - Maximum 42
AA 1115 The Classical World
HU 1300 Sources of Western Literature
HU 1113 History and Development of Classical Languages
HU 1112 Introduction to Philosophy
HU 2115 History of Western Thought
HU 1400 19th Century Sociological Theory
AA 1120 The Renaissance and the Meeting of Two Worlds
HU 1305 Literary Archetypes
HU 1200 Humanism: Contemporary Trends
HU 2305 20th Century Sociological Theory
HU 1010 Global Competencies
Curso Electivo General LLE
Curso Electivo General LLE
HU 1311 Nineteenth Century Literature
HU 1316 Creative Writing Workshop: Poetry
CS 1030 Sociology of Culture
HU 1005 Social Thinking of the Church
HU 2200 20th Century Literature
HU 3156 Philosophy of Language
HU 2317 Creative Writing Workshop: Short Story
HU 2216 Literary Publishing Workshop: Editing and Proofreading
Curso Electivo Profesional LLE
FM 1100 Interpreting Statistical Information
HU 2205 Modernism in Latin American Literature
HU 2000 Latin American Philosophy
HU 3318 Creative Writing Workshop: Theater and Cinema
HU 3217 Literary Publishing Workshop: Projects
Curso Electivo Profesional LLE
AD 1200 Leadership in Organizations
HU 2210 Contemporary Hispanic-American Literature
HU 3170 Philosophy: Analyzing Current Dilemmas
HU 3310 Literary Journalism Workshop
Curso Electivo Profesional LLE
Curso Electivo Profesional LLE
HU 3301 Origins and Development of Mexican Literature
HU 3336 Creative Writing Workshop: Novel
HU 3320 Seminar on Literature
Curso Electivo Profesional LLE
Curso Electivo Profesional LLE
HU 4000 Humanities Directed Professional Practicum
Curso Electivo General LLE
HU 3306 Modern and Contemporary Mexican Literature
HU 3315 Seminar on Comparative Literature
Curso Electivo Profesional LLE
Curso Electivo Profesional LLE
HU 4006 Humanities Final Evaluation Project: Draft
HU 1015 Comparative International Contexts
HU 4011 Humanities Final Evaluation Program: Development
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