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Specialization in Early and Preschool Education

Design creative didactic strategies and innovative educational projects that influence the development of students positively.
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The Specialization in Early and Preschool Education is a program that delves into psychology and pedagogy knowledge so that, as a graduate, you can design creative didactic strategies and innovative educational projects that favor development. In it, you will master the paradigms of early and preschool education in contemporary pedagogical practices.

This specialization is part of the UDEM Preschool Education Network and it is sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Quick Facts

Year duration.


Courses you will take in the specialty.


You will acquire knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children in their early and preschool stages. You will also develop pedagogical skills to design creative didactic strategies and you will inform and assess the needs of children and their families.

Our curriculum is made up of five courses concerning the evolutive and psychological knowledge of the breastfeeding stage, early infancy, and the preschool age; the pedagogical models and teaching strategies for those ages; the importance of play and a creative experiential education; and the diagnostic, assessment, and orientation of child development and its close link with the family system.


Student Learning Outcomes

  • To design creative didactic strategies.
  • To provide the basic tools necessary to inform and assess didactic needs and the importance of the family system and its repercussions on children’s learning.

Admission profile

In order to join the Specialization in Early and Preschool Education, you should:

  • Hold an undergraduate degree in Education, Psychology, Psychopedagogy or like programs.
  • Be committed to a permanent search for quality and excellence in your pedagogical work with children.
  • Be interested in acquiring knowledge and skills to design, develop, implement, and assess training programs in children’s education.
  • Be highly motivated to discover and participate in a graduate training system supported by the use of new communication and computing technologies.
  • Have teaching experience at the early education and preschool level.

Graduate profile

As a graduate, you will acquire the following knowledge upon completion of the specialty:

  • To master basic knowledge in childhood and pedagogical education.
  • To update and advance knowledge specific to childhood education and participate in improvement projects and conferences.​

As a graduate, you will acquire the following skills upon completion of the specialty:

  • Design and execute quality educational initiatives in educational and other social institutions.
  • Design, diagnose, and evaluate childhood educational processes and programs.
  • Teach and train personnel involved in childhood education.​

As a graduate, you will acquire the following knowledge upon completion of the attitudes:

  • Encourage an attitude favorable to qualitative change.
  • Commitment to improving and supporting social functioning.

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Consult the courses that you will take in the Specialization in Early and Preschool Education program.

*The order presented may change.

1st four-months
Course Credits
​Evolutional Fundamentals in Childhood Education 6


2nd four-months
Course Credits
Teaching Means and Strategies in Childhood Education 6
Games and Creative Education 6


3rd four-months
Course Credits
Childhood Development Diagnosis, Evaluation and Guidance 6
The Family System in Preschool Education 6


Total credits: 30

Professors of the School of Education and the Humanities

Education, Humanities


Learn about the success stories of our graduates.

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