Fernanda Sandoval

I love this, I love the entrepreneurial life, it's a roller coaster of emotions,” he said.
The Ágora Poniente of the Roberto Garza Sada Center for Art, Architecture and Design hosted the panel entitled The journey of entrepreneurship, with the participation of alumni of the University of Monterrey, Fernanda Sandoval Pulice and Andrés Garza Fox, under the moderation of Stefan Krautwald, managing partner of Latin Leap.
Fernanda Sandoval Pulice studied business creation at UDEM, she began by sharing her experience as an entrepreneur, highlighting her passion for entrepreneurship and her journey in the creation of the Theatrical Psychology academy.
The economic and emotional challenges of entrepreneurship were another central theme in the panel. Sandoval mentioned the importance of staying calm in times of stress and how building a good team has been key to the success of his academy.
“Having a team that vouches for you, vouches with you, has made me not want to throw in the towel,” he said.
Sandoval shared how his business seeks to change negative aspects of the theatrical world and help people develop skills.
“With theater, we help develop great people skills,” he said.