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Specialty in Gerontological Clinical Practice

You will master the application of Gerontology theories with a humanistic, ethical vision and a profound spirit of service.
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In the specialty in Gerontological Clinical Practice you will be able to master the theoretical components dealt with in the specialty, as well as the management and supervision of clinical cases. You will also master the application of gerontology theories supporting the comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach of the problems of senior adults with a humanistic, ethical vision and a profound spirit of service.


In the Specialty in Gerontological Clinical Practice (ECG) you will be competent in the mastery of the theoretical-practical-ethical-methodological knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to practice consolidated clinical psychology based on evidence-supported work in various clinical scenarios. It requires the preparation of clinical guidelines based on group consensus across the clinical itineraries specific to the specialty.


Student Learning Outcomes

You will be educated and trained as a clinical psychologist specializing in Gerontological Clinical Practice, an expert in the management of theory, techniques, and research in your area of expertise.

Admission profile

To pursue this specialist, you must be a psychologist or physician interested in developing clinical and psychological intervention competencies, innovating the clinical practice of Psychology, professionalizing evidence-based clinical management, and participating in the scientific dissemination of research findings.

Graduate profile

As a graduate of the specialty in Gerontological Clinical Practice, you will...

  • Be able to apply the gerontology theories supporting the comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach of the problems of senior adults with a humanistic, ethical vision and a profound spirit of service.
  • Master gerontological intervention tools as well as the effective application of intervention techniques for the solutions of problems characteristic of senior adults and their families.
  • Develop skills for the design of comprehensive care plans and programs for senior adults in various settings.
  • Be capable of developing care systems and policies that facilitate the solution of medical, psychological, social, ethical, legal, and accessibility problems of senior adults.

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Consult the courses that you will take in the specialty in Gerontological Clinical Practice.

Four-months Course Credits
1st Clinical Intervention I: Gerontological approach 6
2nd Clinical Intervention II: Gerontological approach 6
3rd Clinical Intervention III: Gerontological approach 6
4th Evidence-based Clinical Practice I: Gerontological approach 6
5th ​Evidence-based Clinical Practice II: Gerontological approach 6
6th ​Comparative Clinical Practice: Gerontological approach 6
Elective courses
Course Credits
Epistemological Foundations of Contemporary Clinical Models 6
Biological Foundations of Behavior: Neuropsychology ​ 6
​Cognitive and Affective Foundations of Behavior 6
Psychosocial Foundations of Behavior 6
Psychopathology 6
Thesis Seminar 6

Professors of the Vice-Presidency of Health Sciences

Medical Specialties
Clinical Sciences
Medical Specialties
Clinical Sciences
Basic Sciences


Learn about the success stories of our graduates.

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Our student Roberta Faudoa, who is studying the medical doctor
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